Wednesday, February 23, 2022

El dimecres 23 de febrer el professor de l'Escola i Catedràtic de Transport de la UPC BarcelonaTech, el Sr. Francesc Robusté, presentarà del programa i farà una descripció dels seminaris de transport que es celebraran durant els propers mesos.

Us hi esperem!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Títol de la Tesi: Direct Numerical Simulation of Multi-phase Flow in Complex Media



Programa de Doctorat: Enginyeria Civil

Friday, February 18, 2022

Al canal YouTube de l'Escola teniu disponible la sessió informativa del MOU-TE que va tenir lloc el dimecres 16 de febrer on es detallen els programes d'intercanvi internacional, així com les diverses opcions i destins per fer una estada acadèmica a l’estranger per al curs 2022-2023.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Encara no saps què és UPCArts?

Ets un tastaolletes dels escenaris? Potser un lletraferit, o un amant de l'art? Tenim bones notícies! La UPC està coent una explosió cultural, i volem que tu en formis part!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

UPC Alumni organitza aquesta sessió informativa  amb el suport del Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors i Cooperació (MAUC) i el Ministeri d'Hisenda i Funció Pública. Ambdós ministeris treballen conjuntament per fomentar la presència de treballadors nacionals a la Unió Europea i al voltant d'altres 180 organitzacions internacionals. A més a més,  el MAUC compta amb un cos de funcionaris especialitzats en l'execució de la política exterior i la carrera diplomàtica.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Activitat organitzada per la consultoría: McKinsey& Company -  Informació

Monday, February 14, 2022

Conferencia impartida por: Prof. Jose MATOS. Dr. Ingeniero de Caminos. Universidad de Miño, Portugal

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Xerrada a càrrec de la dra. Clara Prats Soler, professora agregada de la UPC i experta en modelització computacional de l'evolució de malalties infeccioses com la COVID19.

Dimecres 9 de març, 12.00h, a la Sala d'Actes Eduardo Torroja de l'Escola de Camins.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

RMEIM Board and the Student Award Committee announce the opening of the new RMEIM Student Prize. 

This award is intended to distinguish the best student's final work (Master thesis or engineering project) during the last academic year (2020-2021).

Friday, January 28, 2022

Applications for period one close on February 1, 17:00 CET

Chat with the EIT Urban Mobility Master School. If you have any last minute questions, or need further support while submitting your application, the Master School Office we will be available to chat with you on the following dates:

  • 31 January: 10.00 - 12.00 CET
  • 1 February: 10.00 - 12.00 CET

When the Chat is live, the Chat icon will appear on website

Further information:


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The "Logistic Service" study, developed by Barcelona School of Civil Engineering in 2017, sees the onset of the Autonomous Delivery Device (ADD) project, a prototype of an autonomous delivery vehicle.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

UPC’s university community mourns the loss of Professor Benjamín Suárez, PhD in Civil Engineering, and professor at Barcelona School of Civil Engineering, who died on January 24th 2022.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Unite! is an alliance of universities in seven European countries, leaders in technology and engineering, which will set a new model for a European virtual and physical inter-university campus in the following years. The alliance consists of the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Aalto University, Grenoble INP, KTH, Politecnico di Torino, Universidade de Lisboa and UPC-BarcelonaTech.


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Information on the resources and services available during the 2021 Christmas break.


Friday, December 17, 2021

Injection of 1.2 million euros for the acquisition of a hybrid simulation system for structures at LATEM

Friday, December 17, 2021

Webinar: Smart Mobility Data Science and Analytics master's programme

Do you know that there is an increasing demand for a new generation of data scientists in Urban Mobility who are capable of exploring the data and extracting meaningful insights for a more sustainable future?

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The "Forbes Top 50 Awarded Spaniards" presents Prof. Xavier Sanchez-Vila's trajectory and contributions as among the top 50 most notorious worldwide, and mentions explicitly the Henry Darcy Medal awarded to him in 2020 by the European Geosciences Union.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Webinar: Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions master's programme

Do you have a passion for creating more liveable cities and bringing sustainable solutions to future challenges in Urban Mobility? Then, you are at the right place!

Friday, December 3, 2021

Professor Rolando Chacón from the School of Civil Engineering of Barcelona, has been awarded with the international prize "2021 EUCEET Association Award for Excellence in Teaching in Civil Engineering" for his contribution "Camins Makers. An educational lab for the development of Construction 4.0 activities", developed during the last years at the School.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

El master's degree in Urban Mobility té com a objectiu la millora de la mobilitat urbana a les nostres ciutats i arreu del món, la qual requereix no solament la millora de la infraestructura tècnica (cap a una infraestructura de transport intel·ligent, amb l'ús de la internet de les coses, etc.), sinó també una planificació, execució i operació holístiques.