Intel·ligència artificial per optimitzar dics i altres infraestructures portuàries

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Laboratory of Marine Engineeriing (LIM) at Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (UPC BarcelonaTech) lead the PI-BREAK project (“Predictive Intelligent system to optimize BREAKwater maintenance”), which addresses the challenge of extending the lifespan of port infrastructure under a range of future climatic/exploitation scenarios. Predictive maintenance is a technique to minimize failures and/or reduce their consequences in many applications and it can be used for a range of coastal infrastructure, such as breakwaters, to extend their useful life while reducing impacts, risks and costs.


The Predictive Intelligent system to optimize BREAKwater maintenance (PI-BREAK) project will develop ways to adapt breakwaters with special attention to their ultimate and service limit states (resistant and functional design). Likewise, a series of low-carbon footprint interventions are planned to support automated maintenance decisions for such infrastructures.

Please visit the UPC Press Room to read the entire piece (only available in Catalan or Spanish).