Master's Degree in Civil Engiuneering: Inauguration of the academic year

Friday, September 23, 2022

 The Barcelona School of Civil Engineering and the Col·legi de l’Enginyeria de Camins would like to invite you to the inauguration of the 2022-2023 academic year!

We will meet Wednesday, October 5th in the Col·legi de l’Enginyeria de Camins, Canals i Ports to inaugurate the new year for those enrolled in the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering at the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering in UPC-BarcelonaTech together with the rest of 1st and 2nd-year students.

This gathering will serve also as an opportunity to know the professional journey of former students of the School who currently hold relevant positions in the field of civil engineering. This year we will be joined by Mr. Gibet Camós, Director of Development and International Relations, and Mr. Guillem Baraut, CEO of BAC Engineering Consultancy Group.

The dean of the Col·legi de l’Enginyeria de Camins, Canals i Ports, Mr. Pere Calvet, the director of the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering, Ms. Esther Real, and the head of studies of the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, Mr. Francesc Soriguera, will also participate in the event.

The party will end in the college's gardens, where we will share some bravas and beer with other members of the Board of Directors of the Col·legi de l’Enginyeria de Camins, Canals i Ports.

You cannot miss it!

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