Antonio Huerta, Professor of Escola de Camins, appointed academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain, in plenary session dated April 19th 2019, has appointed three excellent engineers as academics: Mr Antonio Huerta Cerezuela, Mr Luis García Esteban and Mr Daniel Ramón Vidal.


Antonio Huerta Cerezuela, Civil Engineer from the UPC and PhD from Northwestern University (USA), is a professor of Applied Mathematics at the UPC, director of ICREA and president of the International Association of Computational Mechanics. He was director of the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona at UPC. He has made outstanding contributions to simulation and engineering modelling with original contributions of great scientific impact to concrete problems of fluids, solids and waves. He has led the creation of a unique laboratory (LACAN UPC) that combines excellence and mathematical rigor with applications and research at the frontier of knowledge in engineering (mechano-biology, electro-active materials, credible calculation, etc.).

Further information at the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain's web site.