Oportunitat Ph.D. Université Gustave Eiffel

dijous, 24 febrer, 2022

Oportunitat per realitzar estudis de doctorat a la Université Gustave Eiffel (Nantes, França), amb col·laboració amb l'University of New Hampshire (EEUU).

La temàtica del doctorat està parcialment definida i respon al següent títol: Multi-material optimization to reduce urban heating in pavements.


Univ Eiffel is leading a European COFUND project called “CLEAR-Doc”, through this program up to 30 Ph.D. students (15 each for two years) will be recruited. A primary requirement of this opportunity is that candidates have not spent more than 12 months in the last three years in France.

This opportunity is for students starting in October 2022 (year 1) and October 2023 (year 2). As part of CLEAR-Doc, we have prepared a Ph.D. topic titled “Multi-material optimization to reduce urban heating in pavements” that will focus on adopting mechanics to study interfaces in pavements.

The candidate will have the opportunity to spend time at both Univ Eiffel (Nantes campus) and at the University of New Hampshire (minimum 6-month international mobility).

Details on the proposed Ph.D. topic as well as application process are provided here: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/716410 (Deadline is 21 March 2022).