SEMINARI Grup Hidrologia Subterrànea: Characterization across scales of reactive solute transport in porous media

Miércoles, Septiembre 20, 2017


Recent studies have shown that traditional reactive transport models are grounded on assumptions which are often violated in real applications.

This has a definite impact on the ability of such models to properly interpret laboratory and field scale data. At the same time, advancements in digital rock physics techniques has pushed forward our ability to model pore scale processes and to characterize porous media at the pore level.In this talk we focus on a simple reactive setting, characterized by an irreversible bimolecular reaction. A key element which controls the investigated reactive process is incomplete mixing of the reactants at pore-scale, which can considerably affect the effective reaction parameters associated with continuum-scale models. 

Characterization across scales of reactive solute transport in porous media 


Giovanni Porta (Politecnico di Milano) 

Lugar: Departamento de Ing. Civil, Aula de CIHS, Planta BajaJueves 21 de Septiembre a las 12:15 h