Webinar: ShapeArrays for landslide monitoring

Seminario online (webinar) impartido por Andre Silva (Measurand) & Daniele Fornelli (Geotechnical Observations)Este webinar es el segundo de una serie de 4 que se imparten en Abril y Mayo 2023, versan sobre “Landslide Monitoring for Early Warning Systems

Wednesday, 26th of April, 2023. 14h-15h (CEST), onlinePractical directions to follow the webinars:The technical sessions will be held in English.The attendance is free.The webinars will be held online through a Google MEET sessionTo be invited to one or several days, a simple pre-webinar registration is required: you must send an email toEWS.webinars.April2021@gmail.com (the “2021” in the address is not a mistake, this gmail was configured for the 1st edition!) indicating your intention to attend to one or several webinars. You will receive the webinar link the day before each session.In the linked PDF you may find the factual information about the four webinars, a short description about the ‘PyrMove’ and the ‘GeoRisk’ projects and some useful links:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K_pmoSdPuWqrb0GHBz3GqhAv5iLm3DNm/view?u...For additional information, do not hesitate to contact the webinars ‘curators’:j.gili@upc.edu Technical University Catalonia (UPC) marc.janeras@icgc.cat Institut Cartogràfic Geològic Catalunya (ICGC, Barcelona, Spain)

Data inici 
Hora inici 
Data final 
Hora final 