Telford Gold Medal to Núria M. Pinyol, Mauricio Alvarado y Eduardo Alonso from Escola de Camins

Monday, October 14, 2019

Telford Gold Medal given to Núria M. Pinyol, Mauricio Alvarado, Eduardo Alonso and Francisco Zabala for the paper: “Thermal effects in landslide mobility” published in Géotechnique (2018).


The Telford Medal is given by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE, United Kingdom). It is the Institution’s highest award for a paper. It was introduced in 1835 following a bequest made by Thomas Telford (1757-1834), the Institution’s first President.

Awarded paper: A thought-provoking paper, written to a very high standard with clear diagrams, which applies a coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical methodology to the prediction of triggering and development of landslides. The analyses are presented in a rigorous way and are aided by very clear diagrams illustrating the modelled mechanisms. The approach is used to explain the Vajont landslide, a great geotechnical disaster.

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