MARTECH Workshop 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

MARTECH 2018 call for abstracts IS NOW OPEN!

MarTech is an internationally renewed venue for dissemination of marine technology research since 2008. The main objective of this Workshop is to share information and points of view on cutting-edge research in several fields of Marine Technology.


MarTech 2018 will take place at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, hosted by Laboratório de Sistemas e Tecnologias Subaquáticas, December 10-11th , 2018.

The Program Commitee cordially invites you to participate and submit your contribution in one of the proposed topics:

• Operational Oceanography• Instrumentation, Metrology, Signal processing• Remote sensing• Seafloor observatories and sensor networks• Marine Robotic perspectives: ROVs, AUVs, ASVs, Gliders, Crawlers.• Underwater imaging and data communication• Seafloor and Water Column characterization• Coastal, regional, and offshore research vessels and platforms• Technology for Marine Biology and Aquaculture• Marine Geophysics technology and solutions• Citizen Science applications and interfaces• Marine Data Interoperability and data flow• Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Authors of accepted abstracts must register for the Workshop.

IMPORTANT DATESShort abstract submission (1 page) - September 28th, 2018Notification of acceptance - October 15th, 2018Early Bird registration - November 9th, 2018MarTech 2018 Workshop - December 10th- 11th, 2018

Dr. Joao Sousa (Porto University, LSTS - Portugal)General Chair