Thursday, May 24, 2018
Project title: Coupled problems for the simulation of particulate flows and their interaction with critical structures
Advisors: A. Larese, E. Oñate
One doctoral position is offered to work in the framework of the PRECISE project (Numerical methods for PREdicting the behaviour of CIvil StructurEs under water natural hazards – MINECO - BIA2017-83805-R)
Goal of the position offered:
Analysis of structural failure induced by particulate flows accounting for particle-fluid-soil interaction
Specific objectives of the position offered:
- Become advanced user of GiD and developer of KRATOS Multiphysics
- Development of new accurate and robust numerical techniques for simulating particle-fluid-soil-interaction combining finite elements and particle techniques.
- Minimum number of publications to be submitted in JCR journals: 3
- MSc degree (or equivalent) in Engineering, Physics or Mathematics
- Strong background in numerical methods and computational mechanics (FEM, CFD, …)
- Basic programming skills (C++, Python)
- Good English level
Duration: 4 years
- A personal CV (in English, free format)
- Transcript of the marks of the Master Degree
- Covering letter indicating two referees.
Send the required documentation to before June 30th 2018.