Orientation week for international students, September 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017

UPC-BarcelonaTech organizes the "Orientation Week" (OW) addressed to international exchange students who will begin their studies at UPC in AUTUMN semester 2017-2018.

Deadline for Registration: 27th July 2017

Further details about the Orientation Week can be found in this website, following THIS LINK http://www.upc.edu/sri/en/students/students-mobility-office/orientation-week


The OW is free and has a length of 2 days. It includes an institutional welcome, information about legal procedures and about the main Services at UPC that can help students during their stay, an introductory workshop to the Catalan language and culture, one sports session and also a social/cultural activity.

There will be 5 sessions along September. International students can choose the more convenient according to their arrival date.

Registration through an online form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftLs5khp9YLLRPCSIQybeKry6c_Fmsvi5dpIF3tCGssUk2eA/viewform)