Workshop "Sustainable cities for diversity"

Urban planning, including transport planning, has been undergoing a remarkable and necessary change in recent years. From a design centred on the motor vehicle, we have moved on to a design that aims to make cities liveable, enjoyable and clean. Technological development can contribute to this goal, but only if applied within a planning focusing on people. And people who are diverse in age, physical condition, gender, socio-economic situation, uses... Sustainable cities and mobility must respond to the needs of all of them.



Póster: Sustainable cities for diversity


  • 12.00 - 12.10 h: Opening – Margarita §  Martínez-Díaz (UPC) & Javier Ortigosa (AMB/UPC)
  • 12.10 - 12.40 h: Keynote speak - Wafa Elias (SCE) – “Is it possible to develop sustainable cities without closing the gender mobility gap?”
  • 12.45 - 13.05 h: Mohamed Abouelela (TUM) – “A novel approach to evaluate the equitable use of shared e-scooter for better liveable cities”
  • 13.10 to 13.30 h: Jaume Barceló (UPC) – “Thoughts on sustainability, sustainable cities, and cities as complex systems to account for their sustainability”
  • 13.35 to 14.00 h: Panel discussion and open Q&A 


Escola de Camins, room C1-002, Campus Nord, UPC-BarcelonaTech
Data inici 
Hora inici 
Data final 
Hora final 