Conferència "Ethical Challenges in AI"

dimarts, 22 març, 2022

Xerrada realitzada per en Ricardo Baeza-Yates del Institute for Experiential AI de la Northeastern University.

Divendres 25 de març de 2022, d'11:00 a 13:00 -
Doble format presencial (aforament limitat) i virtual via Meet:
Lloc: Sala d'Actes de l'edifici Vèrtex - UPC (soterrani -1)


In the first part we cover five current specific challenges through examples:

  • discrimination (e.g., facial recognition, justice, sharing economy, language models);
  • phrenology (e.g., biometric based predictions);
  • unfair digital commerce (e.g., exposure and popularity bias);
  • stupid models (e.g., Signal, minimal adversarial AI) and
  • indiscriminate use of computing resources (e.g., large language models).

These examples do have a personal bias but set the context for the second part where we address four generic challenges:

  • too many principles (e.g., principles vs. techniques);
  • cultural differences;
  • regulation and
  • our cognitive biases.

Further information