SLABIMP: Research Grants

dimarts, 24 juliol, 2018

There are two positions for two Research Grants (for candidates holding a Master Degree in Civil Engineering or related) in the framework of the project " SLABIMP - Prefabricated lightweight and multifunctional large span slabs".

This call is open from July 23 to August 03, 2018

Applications must be formalized by sending a letter of application complemented by the Curriculum Vitae, certificates of graduation degrees and other documents considered relevant. This information must be sent to

This information does not preclude consultation of the calls SLABIMP - POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033883-UM.2.18 and SLABIMP - POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033883-UM.1.18 at