New Technology Developments in Wind

El professor Po-Wen Cheng, de l'Institute of Aircraft Design (University of Stuttgart) impartirà a l'Escola de Camins el seminari: New Technology Developments in Wind.


Here we will go into the future technology development of the wind turbine system and component. Where the innovations are coming from, on the rotor side, can the size rotor grow further? Can the efficiency of the rotor still being improved? How do we control the wind turbine/wind farm more efficiently to extract more power or reduce the loads? Are there new ideas for the support structure of wind turbines that can still reduce the cost significantly? The innovation of the wind energy also need to cope with the increasing penetration of (variable) renewable energies in the grid, can or should wind power plants behave like fossil fuel power plants?    


Escola de Camins, sala polivalent, edif. C1, planta baixa
Data inici 
Hora inici 
Data final 
Hora final 