Seminari de Transport "Use of Bluetooth data for traffic characterization: Case study of the Brisbane’s semi-urban network"

Bluetooth has become a widespread technology, which potentially provides a huge quantity of information. By setting up Bluetooth scanners at the main intersections, the road manager can collect the anonymous ID and the entry times of each Bluetooth user. The Brisbane City Council has equipped its network with such scanners, paving the way for the collection of Big Traffic Data. From the network operator’s standpoint, this cheap investment would allow deriving traffic states or following some vehicles at a network scale.

Seminari de Transport a càrrec del Sr. Pierre-Antoine Laharotte, Ph D Candidate, investigador del LICIT (ENTPE-IFSTTAR) - Laboratoire d’Ingénierie Circulations Transports i guanyador del Premi Abertis a França (2013) amb la seva tesis de màster.

Organitza Càtedra Abertis-UPC

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Escola de Camins, Edif. B1 - Aula 005.
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