Seminari de Transport: Responsive adaptations to traffic congestion in mega cities. The cases of Paris, Sao Paulo and Mumbai

Seminari de Transport a càrrec de la Dra. Gaële Lesteven, guanyadora (ex-aequo) del Premi abertis d'investigació en Transport a França.

The thesis studies the impact of traffic congestion in the daily life of metropolitan motorized households. Is traffic congestion worse in mega cities of developing countries? Could a congestion scenario be the future of the Paris region, given its slow growth of road infrastructure and its multiplication of car travels in the suburbs?

The methodology is based on a systemic and comparative approach. Responses to congestion are examined by considering three levels of stakeholders: public authorities, intermediate collective actors, and motorized households.

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ETSECCPB, Edifici B-1, aula 005
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