La sèrie de seminaris CoMe (Computational Mecanics Group Seminar Series) presenta Mathematical Challenges of Using Video Force Microscopy (VFM) to Estimate the Forces That Drive Cell and Tissue Motions in Embryos. Condueix la sessió G. Wayne Brodland.
Video Force Microscopy (VFM) is a new technique whose goal is to determine the forces that drive cell and tissue motions in embryos based on their observed motions. It is related to elastography and other inverse methods in mechanics. When applied to the ring-like cross-section of drosophila embryos, VFM is able to obtain considerable information about the forces that drive ventral furrow formation. When applied to cell sheets (epithelia) that carry unknown far field stresses, rank deficiency can arise and additional mathematical challenges must be addressed.
The talk will explore how edge, area and boundary forces interact mathematically and some of the computational approaches that can be used to improve solution reliability. Applications will include morphogenetic tissue movements, wound healing and cell sorting.