Internship program for overseas students organized by the China Scholarship Council (CSC)

dimarts, 27 octubre, 2015

Under the circumstances of globalization, many enterprises put those who have the overseas experience in their first priority when recruiting new employees. Similar in China, where are needed more international and composite talents, as one of the fastest developing countries.
International Chinese companies propose internship opportunities for overseas students with the administrative support of the CSC to get the Chinese visa (X2).


  • International Trade / International Marketing
  • Engineering (all sectors)
  • Tourism / Hospitality
  • Education
  • Consulting


  • Preferred Period : 4-6 months
  • Basic Language Training : 80H (4H / week for a 6 months internship)
  • Standard Company Support : 200 Euros/ month  + Shared Apartment + Working meal (The stipend may be higher according to the intern's performance)
  • Scholarships under conditions : 200 - 450 Euros / months


  • Students apply through our trusty international partner EasyPass International
  • Application is Free
  • Successful applicants receive an internship proposal with the financial conditions offered by the CSC and the company
  • Once the proposal accepted, the administrative process to get the visa  can start


  • According with the People's Republic of China State Council Order No. 637 (promulgated September 1, 2013) the student visa is required to intern in China.
  • Student Visa is divided into X1 and X2. X1 is issued to international students who come to China for study for more than 6 months. X2 is issued to students who come to China with same purpose but for a period of less than 6 months.
  • The academic organization must be accredited by the central and local administration. This is the reason why internships in China are highly restricted. The CSC support is highly recommended.