Orientation Week for international students, September 2015

divendres, 19 juny, 2015

UPC-BarcelonaTech organizes an "Orientation Week" (OW), for international students that start their stay at UPC in September 2015. It is free and includes several activities and presentations that will help you find your way during your stay at UPC.

This OW is addressed to exchange students (Erasmus, Cinda, etc.), double degree students and also to international Master students. It has two editions:

- 1st edition: from 1st until 4rd Semptember 2015
- 2nd edition: from 7th until 10th Semptember 2015

Registration:  before 8th July 2015* through the registration form link available in the information page of the Orientation Week, or simply register now directly through this link!!

(*): Registration deadline is 8th July 2015, or until all places are full.

Further details about the Orientation Week: oficina.mobilitat.internacional@upc.edu