Beca doctoral sobre mètodes numèrics CIMNE-Los Alamos National Labs

dijous, 11 juliol, 2013

El departament de "Física Computacional i Simulació a Gran Escala" de CIMNE ofereix beques doctorals en el marc del projecte COMFUS finançat per l'European Research Council. S'ofereixen dues places:

1) Aproximació numèrica de plasmes mitjançant models de fluid i cinètics. Aquesta beca requereix movilitat, donat que s'oferta en col·laboració amb Los Alamos National Labs (USA).

2) Desenvolupament de codis massivament paral·lels d'altes prestacions basats en mètodes de descomposició de domini.

Busquem enginyers, matemàtics o físics amb nivell de Master, que puguin iniciar els cursos de doctorat. Qualificacions acadèmiques excel·lents seran altament valorades. Data de tancament: 30 Setembre 2013.

Més informació a:

PhD fellowships at CIMNE/UPC, Barcelona (Spain)

The Computational Physics and Large Scale Computing department at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), is seeking candidates for PhD studies.

The department is focused on the development of computational methods for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations (PDEs) and is partially funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the Starting Grant COMFUS.

COMFUS aims to advance in the field of numerical methods for fusion reactors technology. It involves the numerical approximation of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), electromagnetics and plasma physics.

We are looking for motivated candidates with a MSc in engineering, mathematics, physics or computer science. Excellent qualifications will be important, since students are also expected to apply for competitive PhD fellowships.

We have two opening PhD fellowships:

1. The first position will be focused on finite element formulations for MHD plasma models and Vlasov-Maxwell solvers based on PIC-FEM coupling. Background in finite element methods, numerical analysis, plasma physics and/or parallel computing is desired but not mandatory.This fellowship will be in the frame of a collaborative work with Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) and co-advised by Dr. Luis Chacon. Prospective students are required to have mobility, since stays at LANL will be scheduled.

2. The second position will be focused on the development, implementation and performance analysis of high performance solver codes based on domain decomposition techniques. Excellent programming skills and a reasonable knowledge of parallel programming models (OpenMP, MPI, OpenCL, CUDA, etc.) and computer architectures (multi-cores, many-cores, massively parallel machines, etc.) will be highly appreciated for this position.

The two positions will remain open till appropriate candidates will be found but it is recommended to apply before the end of September 2013.

Please contact

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for further information.

Send your application, providing CV, to:

Prof. Santiago Badia
CIMNE - International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Barcelona (Spain)